I think most of us think about it and get stressed at the beginning of our adventure in the beauty industry. In our industry, experience and practice are essential.
The first place where we gain experience is our training. Each of our models at the beginning of our journey is worth its weight in gold.
It is very important to focus your attention on the number of our models on the course and immediately after it. I always advise my student to start the apprenticeship the next day after completing the course.
Let’s start with friends and family. They will surely help us and we will feel much more confident at the beginning of our journey working on someone who is close to us.
Another idea right after practising new skills in your family is to look for models on social media, advertise locally or spread information to your friends. In my opinion, at the beginning of the way to get as much practice as possible, we do not charge the models with any costs. After all, she is there for us and helps us gain the necessary practice. With time and gained practice, if we feel confident, we can decide on the price we will charge for our services. The beginning of our path is our investment.
Another way to get the necessary experience is to look for a salon that needs help. Often, salons offer a junior specialist, whose price for services is slightly lower, but it allows us to work and gain skills. It was also my way 🙂 6 months after the first course, I found a job in the salon as a junior. It allowed me to see the world of the beauty industry, gain practice, photos of my works and self-confidence.
Remember to take a picture of each of your work if possible. Photos of our work are necessary to gain clients and show us our progress. I will definitely mention the subject of the photos in one of my posts.